Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 12/13/2021

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Document Table of Contents logiclock_back_annotate (::quartus::backannotate)

The following table displays information for the logiclock_back_annotate Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::backannotate

Syntax logiclock_back_annotate [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-exclude_from] [-exclude_to] [-from <source name> ] [-lock] [-no_contents] [-no_delay_chain] [-no_demote_lab] [-no_demote_mac] [-no_demote_pin] [-no_demote_ram] [-no_dont_touch] [-path_exclude <path_exclude name> ] [-region <region name> ] [-remove_assignments] [-resource_filter <resource_filter value> ] [-routing] [-to <destination name> ]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-exclude_from Option to exclude the source node
-exclude_to Option to exclude the destination node
-from <source name> Name (or wildcard expression) of the source node to be back-annotated
-lock Option to lock back-annotated regions
-no_contents Option not to back-annotate contents
-no_delay_chain Option not to back-annotate delay chain settings
-no_demote_lab Option not to demote LAB or LE assignments
-no_demote_mac Option not to demote DSP block assignments
-no_demote_pin Option not to demote pin assignments
-no_demote_ram Option not to demote RAM assignments
-no_dont_touch Option not to set the don't_touch flag for each back-annotated node
-path_exclude <path_exclude name> Option to exclude the specified node from the path filter
-region <region name> Name (or wildcard expression) of region to be back-annotated
-remove_assignments Option to remove matching assignments instead of creating them
-resource_filter <resource_filter value> Option to use the resource filter
-routing Option to back-annotate the LogicLock region's routing
-to <destination name> Name (or wildcard expression) of the destination node to be back-annotated

Back-annotates a LogicLock region and its contents. When you use the "-routing" option, you must use the "-lock" and "-no_demote_lab" options, without the "-no_contents" option, or use the"-remove_assignments" option. The "-remove_assignments" option removes all matching region contents. When you use the "-remove_assignments" option, the demotion options, "-no_contents" and "-lock", are not applicable. The "-resource_filter" option allows you to back-annotate only specific resource types on the device. For example: logiclock_back_annotate -resource_filter "COMBINATORIAL" This command back-annotates all combinatorial nodes in the design. The complete set of options is: COMBINATORIAL combinatorial nodes REGISTER registered nodes MEGA M-RAMs MEDIUM M4K memory blocks SMALL M512 memory blocks IO I/O elements MAC DSP blocks Intel recommends that you use a Verilog Quartus(R) Mapping File (.vqm) as the source. When any of the advanced netlist optimizations are enabled, it is possible for the Fitter to create and rename nodes in the design during a place and route operation. Back annotation requires that on subsequent compilations the node names in the netlist match those in the constraint file. Write out a VQM netlist and create a new project using that netlist as its source. Copy all of the existing constraint files into the new project directory and remove all the design files except the new .vqm by using the Add/Remove Files in a Project command (Project menu) in the Quartus Prime GUI. The Quartus Prime software will create a root region if you back-annotate nodes that are not members of a LogicLock region. The root region is device-size and locked. You can make assignments to the root region but you cannot delete it or modify its size or location.

Example Usage

# Open the project "example_project"
project_open example_project

# Compile the design
package require ::quartus::flow
execute_flow -compile

package require ::quartus::backannotate

# Back annotate all nodes and routing in the region "one_region"
logiclock_back_annotate -routing -lock -no_demote_lab -region one_region

# Back annotate the location of the nodes on all paths that 
# start with a node that matches the "Data_in*" wildcard 
# expression, and end with a node that matches the "Data_out*" 
# wildcard expression
logiclock_back_annotate -from Data_in* -to Data_out*

# Back annotate the placement of all the registers in the design
logiclock_back_annotate -resource_filter "REGISTER"

# Close the project
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Back annotation failed -- design did not compile properly. Run a successful compilation before performing back-annotation.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Project has no active revision. Make sure there is an open, active revision.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: No project is currently open. Open an exising project or create a new project.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Device or device family does not support node location back annotation.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: The -routing option is used with incompatible options. To use the -routing option, you must use the -lock and -no_demote_lab options without the -no_contents option, or use the -remove_assignments option.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Device or device family does not support LogicLock back annotation.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Wrong number of arguments. For correct syntax, refer to help for the logiclock_back_annotate command.