Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Constraining IP Building Blocks

Intel® FPGA IP cores are comprised of building blocks that combine to provide all functionality of the IP. The Design Tree view displays each IP building block hierarchy.

When you place component IP, Tile Interface Planner also places the corresponding IP building blocks in the tile. Each building block has a movable, fixed, or always movable state. You can review the building block placement and determine whether to refine any building block placement, or allow the legality engine to determine the best building block placement.

IP Core Comprised of IP Building Blocks in Design Tree View

The placement column indicates the movable, fixed, and always-movable state of the design element. In general, use movable building block placement to allow placement flexibility. Only apply fixed building blocks if a specific building block placement is essential.

Follow these steps to constrain or relax the placement of IP building blocks:
  1. Place all IP on the tile, as Placing IP Components describes.
  2. To the left of the Placement column, click the List Legal Locations button to display all legal locations for a building block.
  3. To constrain building blocks to specific placement:
    • To fix a movable building block, right-click one or more movable building blocks and click Make Selected Element Fixed. The building block is fixed and does not move to accommodate other components.
    • To fix an IP component's building blocks, right-click the IP component and click Make Child Elements Fixed. The IP and child building blocks are fixed and do not move to accommodate other components.
    Figure 40. Make Selected Element Fixed
  4. To remove specific building block placement constraints from fixed building blocks:
    • To make fixed building blocks movable, right-click one or more fixed building blocks and click Make Selected Element Movable. The building block can move to accommodate other components.
    • To make all of an IP component's fixed building blocks movable, right-click the IP component and click Make Child Elements Movable. All child building blocks can move automatically to accommodate other components.
    Figure 41. Make Child Elements Movable
  5. When all tile IP placement is complete, save the tile plan, as Step 5: Save Tile Plan Assignments describes.