F-Tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 683023
Date 6/05/2024

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Document Table of Contents

10.1. F-Tile Channel Placement Tool

F-tile supports datacenters, 5G networks, Smart Grid and other market segments. Ethernet, CPRI and OTN are the backbone of these emerging and traditional technologies. The F-Tile Channel Placement Tool, in conjunction with the Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines, allows you to swiftly plan protocol placements in the product prior to reading comprehensive documentation and implementing designs in Quartus® Prime software.

The Excel-based F-Tile Channel Placement Tool, supplemented with the following tabs is available for download at F-Tile Channel Placement Tool:
  • Instructions
  • PMA Hard IP Mapping (Reference)
  • Step1_Topology Selection
  • Step2 Hard IP Transceiver Placement
  • Revision
Note: If your design requires use of the 200G hard IP block, use Agilex™ 7 production device OPNs with the "C" suffix. If you are using Agilex™ 7 production devices with OPNs that have no suffix (blank) or "B" suffix, and your design includes the 200G hard IP block, please contact the Intel customer support team for additional information.
Figure 65. F-Tile Channel Placement Tool