AN 746: SDI II Triple-Rate Reference Designs for Intel® Arria® 10 Devices

ID 683012
Date 12/31/2019

1.1.1. Setting up the Hardware for Triple Rate SDI II with External VCXO Reference Design

Complete the steps in the following topics to set up the required hardware for the triple rate SDI II with external VCXO reference design.

Hardware and Software Requirements

The triple rate SDI II with external VCXO reference design requires the following hardware and software:

  • Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Board (10AX115S3F45E2SGE3)
  • M21518 Single 3G Video Cable Driver
  • SMA cables, BNC plug to SMB plug cables, and BNC cables
  • SDI Signal Analyzer
  • SDI Signal Generator or Internal Pattern Generator
  • Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 16.0

Connecting the Development Board to the Cable Driver

Connect the J15 and J16 connectors on the Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA development board to the SDIp and SDIn connector pair on the M21518 Single Video 3G cable driver using the SMA cables.

Figure 2. Hardware Connection

Setting the DIP Switches

Set the DIP switches of the development board as specified in the following table.

Table 1.  DIP Switch Control Settings
DIP Switch Schematic Signal Name Description Setting


1 X1 ON for PCIe X1 ON
2 X4 ON for PCIe X4 ON
3 X8 ON for PCIe X8 ON
4 OFF for 1.35 V MEM_VDD power rail OFF


1 Arria 10 OFF to enable the Intel® Arria® 10 device in the JTAG chain OFF
2 MAX V OFF to enable the MAX V device in the JTAG chain OFF
3 FMCA ON to bypass the FMCA connector in the JTAG chain ON
4 FMCB ON to bypass the FMCB connector in the JTAG chain ON


1 MSEL0 ON for MSEL0 = 1; for FPP standard mode OFF
2 MSEL1 ON for MSEL1 = 0; for FPP standard mode OFF
3 MSEL2 ON for MSEL2 = 0; for FPP standard mode ON
4 VIDEN OFF for enabling VID_EN for the Smart Voltage ID (SmartVID) feature ON

(Board Settings)


ON for 100 MHz on-board clock oscillator selection

OFF for SMA input clock selection

2 CLK_EN OFF for setting CLK_ENABLE signal high to the MAX V device OFF
3 Si516_FS

ON for setting the SDI REFCLK frequency to 148.35 MHz

OFF for setting the SDI REFCLK frequency to 148.5 MHz


ON to load factory image from flash

OFF to load user hardware from flash


ON for setting RZQ resistor of Bank 2K to 99.17 ohm

OFF for setting RZQ resistor of Bank 2K to 240 ohm

Figure 3. DIP Switches

Connecting the Hardware to the Power Supplies

Connect the following hardware to the respective power supply:
  1. The development board to the 12 V DC input (J13) power supply.
  2. The J6 and J9 inputs of the M21518 Single Video 3G cable driver to a 3.3 V power supply.
  3. The J1 input of the M21518 Single Video 3G cable driver to a GND power supply.

Port Assignments

When you set up the hardware, the following physical ports are assigned to the SDI channels.

Table 2.  SDI Channels and Ports
SDI Channel Hardware RX Port TX Port
0 Intel® Arria® 10 GX development board SDI_RX_P (J20) SDI_TX_P (J21)
1 M21518 single 3G video cable driver SDO_A (J16)
1 Set the MSEL [2:0] bits according to your chosen configuration scheme.