Parameterizable Macros for Intel® FPGAs User Guide

ID 772350
Date 10/02/2023

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4.1.3. Synchronous FIFO VHDL Instantiation Template

SYNC_FIFO VHDL Instantiation Template

-- Quartus Prime Parameterizable Macro Template
-- Documentation :
-- Macro Location :
-- $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_lnsim_components.vhd
-- Add the library and use clauses before the design unit declaration
library altera_lnsim; 
use altera_lnsim.altera_lnsim_components.all; 

-- Instantiating SYNC_FIFO
	<instance_name> : SYNC_FIFO
generic map (
 ADD_RAM_OUTPUT_REGISTER =>                   "OFF",
 ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE =>                        1,
 ALMOST_FULL_VALUE =>                         1,
 ENABLE_SCLR =>                               "OFF",
 ENABLE_ACLR =>                               "OFF",
 ALLOW_RWCYCLE_WHEN_FULL =>                   "ON",
 ENABLE_SHOWAHEAD =>                          "OFF",
 DATA_WIDTH =>                                8,
 ADDR_WIDTH =>                                11,
 OVERFLOW_CHECKING =>                         "ON",
 UNDERFLOW_CHECKING =>                        "ON",
 MAXIMUM_DEPTH =>                             2048,
 BYTE_SIZE =>                                 8,
 BYTE_EN_WIDTH =>                             1
port map ( 
 clock =>	    _connected_to_clock_,		-- input, width = 1		  
 data => 	    _connected_to_data_,		 -- input, width = DATA_WIDTH	
 rdreq =>   	 _connected_to_rdreq_,  	  -- input, width = 1		  
 sclr =>    	 _connected_to_sclr_,		 -- input, width = 1		  
 aclr =>		 _connected_to_aclr_,  	   -- input, width = 1		  
 wrreq =>   	 _connected_to_wrreq_,        -- input, width = 1		  
 byteena =>      _connected_to_byteena_,      -- input, width = BYTE_EN_WIDTH		  
 full =>     	_connected_to_full_,         -- output, width = 1		  
 almost_empty => _connected_to_almost_empty_, -- output, width = 1		  
 almost_full =>  _connected_to_almost_full_,  -- output, width = 1		  
 q =>            _connected_to_q_,            -- output, width = DATA_WIDTH
 usedw =>        _connected_to_usedw_         -- output, width = ADDR_WIDTH