MACsec Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 736108
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Uncontrolled Port RX Interface

Table 11.  Uncontrolled Port RX Interface
Signal Name Width Direction Description
enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tvalid 1 Input Valid. When asserted, the TX data signal is valid. This signal must be continuously asserted between the assertions of the start of packet and end of packet signals for the same packet, with the exception when tready is deasserted.
enc_byp_ip_app_rx_tready 1 Output Ready
enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tid 6 Input Transaction ID





Input Data






1'b1 for data byte, 1'b0 for null byte.

Note: Doesn't allow null byte in beginning or middle of transfer, only applicable during end of transfer.
enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tlast 1 Input Last, indicating end of transfer.
enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tuser_ last_segment<segment_number> 1 Output

Port<n> packet segmentation boundary indication for higher bandwidth transfer.

*last_segment indicates which 64-bit segment of the data bus the last segment is aligned to.

segment_number ranges from 0 to 7.

For the following data widths, the corresponding segment number bit applies:
  • 64—NA
  • 128—last_segment[1:0]
  • 256—last_segment[3:0]
  • 512—last_segment[7:0]
enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tuser_ppmetadata 415 Input

Packet Processing metadata which is tag along with incoming/outgoing packet into the MACsec IP to indicate:

[414:188] - Reserved

[187:173] - Pkt_len (packet length valid with AXI-ST first data phase signal.)

[172:3] - Reserved

[1] - tlast_buf_pkt_truncation (packet truncation error pulse valid with AXI-ST tlast signal.)

[2] - tlast_uerr_fatal (uncorrectable fatal error which causes the packet to drop in port demux. It can be present anytime during a valid with AXI ST packet.)

[0] - tlast_empty (indicates the Multi Interface Buffering Port for Stream TID is empty and no incoming packet detected when this indication is asserted. Used in MACsec framer to flush the buffer without waiting for next packet for data packing. Valid with AXI-ST tlast signal.)

enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tuser_usermetadata 16 Input User metadata which is tag along with incoming/outgoing packet into the MACsec IP. This metadata is not processed by MACsec IP and it is passed through the IP. One of the use cases supports PTP use case where a local timestamp or timer can be sent through this metadata on the MACsec ingress. The user can compare this local timestamp or timer at MACsec egress to determine the time taken for the request to go through the MACsec IP pipeline.
enc_byp_app_ip_rx_tuser_client 7 Input

Ethernet Packet error status.

  • [6] - PHY error
  • [5] - CRC error
  • [4] - Length error: frame advertised a payload that is a valid length, but longer than the payload that actually arrives
  • [3] - Oversize error
  • [2] - Undersized (frame shorter than 64b) or oversized (frame larger than the programmed max_frame_size)
  • [1] - FCS error
  • [0] - Malformed (terminated with a control block other than Term)
  • Valid on the last data phase of AXI-ST where tlast asserted.