Visible to Intel only — GUID: adn1652841273915
1. About the RiscFree* IDE
2. Installation and Setup
3. Getting Started with RiscFree* IDE
4. Debug Setup for Nios® V Processor System
5. Debug Setup for Arm* Hard Processor System
6. Debugging with RiscFree* IDE
7. Debugging with Command-Line Interface
8. Ashling RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide Archives
9. Document Revision History for the Ashling RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide
A. Appendix
6.1. Debug Features in RiscFree* IDE
6.2. Processor System Debug
6.3. Heterogeneous Multicore Debug
6.4. Debugging µC/OS-II Application
6.5. Debugging FreeRTOS Application
6.6. Debugging Zephyr Application
6.7. Arm* HPS On-Chip Trace
6.8. Debugging the Arm* Linux Kernel
6.9. Debugging Target Software in an Intel® Simics Simulator Session
Visible to Intel only — GUID: adn1652841273915
4.1. Importing Nios® V Processor Project
Note: To generate the Nios® V processor BSP or application project, refer to the Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook.
To import Nios® V processor BSP and application project to RiscFree* IDE, follow these steps:
- To open the New Project wizard, click File > New > Project....
- In the New Project wizard, click C/C++ > C++ Project to select project.
- In C++ Project wizard, turn off Use default location. Browse and select the location of the Nios® V processor BSP or application project. Enter the project name (use the same name as the project folder).
- Under Project type, select CMake driven > Empty Project. Under Toolchains, select CMake driven. Click Finish. The CMake driven application or BSP project is added to the Project Explorer.
Figure 3. Importing Nios® V Processor Sample Project
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