Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 7/31/2023

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3.3.6. Timing Specifications

The following timing diagram illustrates a successful PR operation with Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® Arria® 10 /Cyclone 10 FPGA IP. The status[2:0] output signal indicates whether the operations passes or fails. The PR operation initiates upon assertion of the pr_start signal. Monitor the status[] signal to detect the end of the PR operation.
Figure 60.  Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® Arria® 10/Cyclone 10 FPGA IP Timing Specifications

The following notes correspond to locations (1) through (7) in the timing diagram:

  1. Assert pr_start signal high for a minimum of one clock cycle to initiate PR. Deassert pr_start before sending the last data.
  2. status[] signal updates after pr_start is acknowledged. This signal changes during a PR operation if CRC_ERROR, PR_ERROR, or bitstream incompatibility error occurs.
  3. status[] signal changes after a PR operation if CRC_ERROR asserts and no error occurs during the previous PR operation.
  4. There is no requirement to assert the data_valid signal at the same time as the pr_start signal. Provide the data[], and assert data_valid, when appropriate.
  5. Either drive the data_valid signal low after sending the last data, or continue to assert data_valid high with dummy data on data[] until the IP reads the end of PR from status[].
  6. data[] transfers only when data_valid and data_ready assert on the same cycle. Do not drive new data on the data bus, when both data_valid and data_ready are not high.
  7. The data_ready signal drives low after the PR IP Controller core receives the last data, or when the PR IP Controller cannot accept data.