Intel® Agilex™ 7 General-Purpose I/O User Guide: F-Series and I-Series

ID 683780
Date 2/20/2023

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Document Table of Contents GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Simulation Design Example

The simulation design example uses your GPIO IP parameter settings to build the IP instance connected to a simulation driver. The driver generates random traffic and internally checks the legality of the out going data.

Using the design example, you can run a simulation using a single command, depending on the simulator that you use. The simulation demonstrates how you can use the GPIO IP.

Generating and Using the Design Example

To generate the simulation design example from the source files for a Verilog simulator, run the following command in the design example directory:

quartus_sh -t make_sim_design.tcl

To generate the simulation design example from the source files for a VHDL simulator, run the following command in the design example directory:

quartus_sh -t make_sim_design.tcl VHDL

The TCL script creates a sim directory that contains subdirectories—one for each supported simulation tool. You can find the scripts for each simulation tool in the corresponding directories.