Visible to Intel only — GUID: iws1573167409169
1. Discontinuation of the Intel® HLS Compiler
2. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition User Guide
3. Overview of the Intel® High Level Synthesis (HLS) Compiler Pro Edition
4. Creating a High-Level Synthesis Component and Testbench
5. Verifying the Functionality of Your Design
6. Optimizing and Refining Your Component
7. Verifying Your IP with Simulation
8. Synthesize your Component IP with Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
9. Integrating your IP into a System
A. Reviewing the High-Level Design Reports (report.html)
B. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Restrictions
C. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition User Guide Archives
D. Document Revision History for Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition User Guide
Visible to Intel only — GUID: iws1573167409169
C. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition User Guide Archives
For the latest and previous versions of this user guide, refer to Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition User Guide . If a software version is not listed, the guide for the previous software version applies.