Vision Processing with the Canny Edge Detection Reference Design

ID 683433
Date 2/14/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.3.8. Initializing the ARM Processor

Initialize the ARM processor, if the FPGA is not configured during U-boot.
  1. Program the FPGA using the Quartus II software or the burn_fpga tool after the ARM boot process completes.
  2. Press the WARM reset button to reboot Linux without erasing the loaded FPGA design, which initializes the FPGA HPS SDRAM interface correctly. Only initialize it during the boot process with an FPGA image running.
  3. If using Altera’s GSRD Linux Distro, kill the scroll server application, which may interfere with the frame reader and writer
    1. Type ps to get a list of the currently running processes.
    2. Find the process ID number of the scroll server application.
    3. Kill scroll server by typing kill <PID number>
  4. Press the FPGA 0 Push button to activate the ARM Frame reader.
    FPGA LED 3 illuminates.
  5. Press FPGA 1 push button to activate the ARM frame writer.
    The Frame reader and writer cannot be running during the boot process. If synchronization is off, press the CPU reset button and repeat from step 4.
    FPGA LED 2 illuminates.