Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents dni::set_operating_conditions (::quartus::dni_sdc)

The following table displays information for the dni::set_operating_conditions Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::dni_sdc

Syntax dni::set_operating_conditions [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-analysis_type <bc_wc|on_chip_variation|single> ] [-condition <condition> ] [-force_dat] [-grade <c|i|m|e|a> ] [-library <lib> ] [-max <max_condition> ] [-max_library <max_lib> ] [-max_phys <max_proc> ] [-min <min_condition> ] [-min_library <min_lib> ] [-min_phys <min_proc> ] [-model <fast|slow> ] [-object_list <object_list> ] [-speed <speed> ] [-temperature <value_in_C> ] [-voltage <value_in_mV> ] [ <list_of_operating_conditions> ]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-analysis_type <bc_wc|on_chip_variation|single> Specifies how to use the operating conditions
-condition <condition> Specifies conditions that define environmental characteristics to use during maximum and minimum delay analysis
-force_dat Option to force delay annotation (only done when selecting an unanalyzed corner)
-grade <c|i|m|e|a> Option to specify temperature grade
-library <lib> Specifies the library containing definitions of the operating conditions for both maximum and minimum delay analysis
-max <max_condition> Specifies the operating condition to use for maximum delay analysis
-max_library <max_lib> Specifies the library containing definitions of the operating conditions for maximum delay analysis
-max_phys <max_proc> Specifies the name of the process resource to search for the resistance and capacitance values for maximum delay analysis
-min <min_condition> Specifies the operating condition to use for minimum delay analysis
-min_library <min_lib> Specifies the library containing definitions of the operating conditions for minimum delay analysis
-min_phys <min_proc> Specifies the name of the process resource to search for the resistance and capacitance values for minimum delay analysis
-model <fast|slow> Option to specify timing model
-object_list <object_list> Specifies the cells or ports on which to set operating conditions
-speed <speed> Speed grade
-temperature <value_in_C> Operating temperature
-voltage <value_in_mV> Operating voltage
<list_of_operating_conditions> list or collection of Operating conditions Tcl objects or names
Use this command to specify operating conditions different from the
initial conditions used to create the timing netlist. When a timing
model is not specified, the slow model is used.

Voltage and temperature options must be used together. These two
options are not available for all devices. The
get_available_operating_conditions command returns the list of
available operating conditions for your device.

Use the -speed option to analyze the design at a different speed grade
of the selected device.

Use the -grade option to analyze the design at a different temperature
grade. This option is provided to support what-if analysis and is not
recommended for final sign-off analysis.

By default, delay annotation is skipped if previously performed. Use
-force_dat to rerun delay annotation.

Note -analysis_type, -min, -max, -min_library, -max_library,
-min_phys, -max_phys, -library, -object_list and condition options are
not supported yet,
Example Usage
#do report timing for different operating conditions one by one
foreach_in_collection op [get_available_operating_conditions] {
	set_operating_conditions $op

#set aggregated report timing for all operating conditions when corner aggregation is enabled
set_operating_conditions [get_available_operating_conditions]

#manually set operating conditions
set_operating_conditions -model fast -temperature 85 -voltage 1200

#change device speed grade and set operating conditions
set_operating_conditions -speed 3 -model slow -temperature 0 -voltage 1100
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful