Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Reference Manual

ID 683349
Date 9/23/2022

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5.1. Static Variables

The HLS compiler supports function-scope static variables with the same semantics as in C and C++.

Function-scope static variables are initialized to the specified values on reset. In addition, changes to these variables are visible across component invocations, making function-scope static variables ideal for storing state in a component. However, function-scope static variables cannot be shared by different task or component functions.

To initialize static variables, the component requires extra logic, and the component might take some time to exit the reset state while this logic is active.

Static Variable Initialization

You can control when the static variables in your component are initialized if the variables are implemented as memories. The memory system that stores a static variable can be initialized either when your component is powered up or when your component is reset.

Initializing a static variable when a component is powered up resembles a traditional programming model where you cannot reinitialize the static variable value after the program starts to run.

Initializing a static variable when a component is reset initializes the static variable each time each time your component receives a reset signal, including on power up. However, this type of static variable initialization requires extra logic. This extra logic can affect the start-up latency and the FPGA area needed for your component.

You can explicitly set the static variable initialization by adding one of the following attributes to your static variable declaration:
The static variable value is initialized after the component is reset.
Add this attribute to your static variable declaration as shown in the following example:
static char arr[128] hls_init_on_reset;

This is the default behavior for initializing static variables. You do not need to specify the hls_init_on_reset keyword with your static variable declaration to get this behavior.

For example, the static variable in the following example is initialized when the component is reset:
static int arr[64];
The static variable is initialized only on power up. This initialization uses a memory initialization file (.mif) to initialize the memory, which reduces the resource utilization and start-up latency of the component.
Add this keyword to your static variable declaration as shown in the following example:
static char arr[128] hls_init_on_powerup;

Some static variables might not be able to take advantage of this initialization because of the complexity of the static variables (for example, an array of structs). In these cases, the compiler returns an error.

For a demonstration of initializing static variables, review the tutorial in <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/component_memories/static_var_init.

For information about resetting your component, see Reset Behavior.