AN 821: Interface Planning for Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGAs

ID 683307
Date 12/15/2017

1.2. Design Example Files

Follow these steps to use the design example files this application note describes:
  1. Download the FPGA_TOP design example project archive file at:

  2. Launch the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
  3. Click Project > Restore Archived Project.
  4. Select the s10_interface_planner_example.qar Archive name, and then click OK. The following project files restore into the Destination folder (by default, the s10_interface_planner_example_restored directory).
Figure 3. FGPA_TOP Intel® Stratix® 10 Design Example Directories
Table 1.   FPGA_TOP Design Example Files
File Name Description

Contains the top level of the example design. This is the only file you modify for this application note. You can specify the IP variant you require, and the number of channels if instantiating the IP more than once. You can also control whether channels are on only the left, right, or on both sides of the device.


Contains RTL logic that creates reset circuitry inside the FPGA for use when targeting hardware.


Contains one instance of DDR4 External Memory Interface (EMIF) Intel® FPGA IP in x72 bit mode. This is a common configuration. If you require more than one instance of DDR4 memory, copy and instantiate in the FPGA_TOP.vhd file.


Contains the following common Intel® FPGA IP that connect to general purpose I/O pins:

  • ALTLVDS_RX (DPA, non-DPA, and soft-cdr modes)
  • PHY Lite

Contains the following common Intel® FPGA IP:

  • PCIe* (Gen 1/2/3) x1, x4 x8 configurations (scalable by instance)
  • Multi-Rate Ethernet (scalable using single channel)
  • 10G Base-KR (scalable using single channel)
  • SerialLite III (scalable using single channel)
  • LL 40G (scalable by instance)
  • Interlaken* 100G (scalable by instance)
  • JESD204B (scalable using single channel)