Nios II Classic Software Developer’s Handbook

ID 683282
Date 5/14/2015
Document Table of Contents nios2-download


This tool prepares a target system for debugging, it checks that the hardware and software are compatible, downloads the software and optionally makes the target processor run the downloaded code.


nios2-download [-h/--help] [-C/--directory <dir name>]
       [-c/--cable <cable name>] [-d/--device <device index>]
       [-i/--instance <instance>] [-r/--reset-target]        
       [-s/--sidp <address> -I/--id <id> -t/--timestamp <timestamp>]
       [--accept-bad-sysid] [-w/--wait <seconds>] [-g/--go] [--stop]
           [--tcpport <port> | auto] [--write-gmon <file>]          
           [--jdi <file>] [--cpu_name <name>]                       


 -h/--help                   Prints this message.

 -C/--directory <dir name>   Change to this directory before running

 -c/--cable <cable name>     Specifies which JTAG cable to use (not needed if
                             you only have one cable).                       
 -d/--device <device index>  Specifies in which device you want to look for the
                             Nios II CPU (1 = device nearest TDI etc.)         
 -i/--instance <instance>    Specifies the INSTANCE value of the Nios II CPU   
                             JTAG debug module (auto-detected if you specify   
                             an ELF file or use --directory to point to one)   

 -r/--reset-target           Reset the target SOPC system before use.

 -s/--sidp <address>         Base-address of System ID peripheral on target
                             This base-address must be specified in hex (0x...)
 -I/--id <system-id-value>   Unique ID code for target system
 -t/--timestamp <time-stamp> Timestamp for target-system (when last generated)
    --accept-bad-sysid       Continue even if the system ID comparison fails

 <filename.elf>              An ELF file to download to the target

 -w/--wait <seconds>         Wait for time specified before starting processor
 -g/--go                     Run processor from entry point after downloading.
    --stop                   Stop processor (leave it in a paused state).
    --tcpport <port> | auto  Listen on specified TCP port for a connection from
                             GDB (with "auto" a free port will be used).
    --write-gmon <file>      Write profiling data to the file specified when the
                             target exits.
    --jdi <file>            Specify which .jdi file to read the INSTANCE
                             value of the Nios II CPU JTAG debug module from.
                             (if not specified, will look in the same folder
                             as the .ptf file, as specified in
    --cpu_name <name>        CPU module name to use when trying to scan for
                             INSTANCE value from the .jdi file.  Will use the
                             name specified in if it is not passed
                    NOTE:    nios2-download needs a .jdi file and a cpu_name
                             to search for the INSTANCE value.  This can be
                             supplied via the command line, or will be searched
                             for with information from

If you specify the --go option then the target processor will be started before this tool exits. If --go is not specified but a file is downloaded or the target processor needs to be reset then it will be left in the paused state. Otherwise the target processor state will be left unchanged unless --stop is specified (in which case it will be paused). Return codes are: 0 for success; 1 if the system ID did not match; 2 if no Nios II CPUs are found; a return code of 4 or more indicates an error which will need manual intervention to solve.