2.2. Simulation Design Example
The F-Tile CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IP design example generates a simulation testbench and simulation files that instantiates the F-Tile CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IP core when you select the Simulation option.
Figure 3. Block Diagram for 10.1316, 12.1651, and 24.33024 Gbps (with and without RS-FEC) Line Rates
Figure 4. Block Diagram for 1.228, 2.4576, 3.072, 4.9152, 6.144, and 9.8304 Gbps Line Rate
In this design example, the simulation testbench provides basic functionality such as startup and wait for lock, transmit and receive packets.
The successful test run displays output confirming the following behavior:
- The client logic resets the IP core.
- The client logic waits for the RX datapath alignment.
- The client logic transmits hyperframes on the TX MII interface and waits for five hyperframes to be received on RX MII interface. Hyperframes are transmitted and received on MII interface according to the CPRI v7.0 specifications.
Note: The CPRI designs that target 1.2, 2.4, 3, 4.9, 6.1, and 9.8 Gbps line rate use 8b/10b interface and the designs that target 10.1, 12.1 and 24.3 Gbps (with and without RS-FEC) use MII interface.Note: This design example includes a round trip counter to count the round trip latency from TX to RX.
- The client logic reads the round trip latency value and checks for the content and correctness of the hyperframes data on the RX MII side once the counter completes the round trip latency count.