Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410500774294
Overview of the Design Security Feature
Hardware and Software Requirements
Steps for Implementing a Secure Configuration Flow
Steps to Enable Tamper-Protection Bit Programming
Supported Configuration Schemes
Security Mode Verification
Serial Flash Loader Support with Encryption Enabled
Serial Flash Loader Support with Encryption Enabled for Single FPGA Device Chain
JTAG Secure Mode for 28-nm and 20-nm FPGAs
Document Revision History for AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Intel® FPGAs
Generating Single-Device .ekp File and Encrypting Configuration File using Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Generating Single-Device .ekp File and Encrypting Configuration File using Command-Line Interface in Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Generating Multi-Device .ekp File and Encrypting Configuration File using Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Programming Volatile or Non-Volatile Key using Intel® FPGA Ethernet Cable and Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Programming Single-Device Volatile or Non-Volatile Key using Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Programming Single-Device Volatile or Non-Volatile Key using the Command-Line Interface in Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Programming Multi-Device Volatile or Non-Volatile Key using Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Programming Multi-Device Volatile or Non-Volatile Key using the Command-Line Interface in Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Programming Key using JTAG Technologies
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410500774294
Programming Key using JTAG Technologies
The key programming for your design is performed using a .svf file (.ekp file in .svf format) and a JT 37xx boundary scan controller in combination with a JT2147 QuadPod system.
Information about creating a .svf file to support multi-device programming is described in Generating Multi-Device .ekp File and Encrypting Configuration File using Intel Quartus Prime Software.
Related Information