CIC Intel® FPGA IP: User Guide

ID 683246
Date 9/30/2019
Document Table of Contents

3.3.1. Output Data Width

If you select an output data width that is smaller than the full output resolution data width, apply the Hogenauer pruning technique to reduce the data widths across the filter stages and hence the overall resource utilization.

For a decimation filter, the gain at the output of the filter is:

G = RM N

Therefore, the data width at the output stage for if full resolution is:

B out = B in + Nlog2(RM)

where Bin is the input data width.

Note: A data width of B out is required for each integrator and differentiator for no data loss.

For an interpolation filter, the gain at each filter stage is:

Hence the required data width at the ith stage is:

W i = [B in + log2(G i )]

and the data width at the output stage is:

B out = [B in + Nlog2(RM) - log2(R)]

where B in is the input data width.

When the differential delay is one, the bit width at each integrator stage is increased by one to ensure stability.

For more information about these calculations, refer to Hogenauer, Eugene. An Economical Class of Digital Filters For Decimation and Interpolation, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-29, pp. 155-162, April 1981.