3.5. CIC Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
Filter Specification | ||
Filter type | Decimator, Interpolator | Selects a decimator or interpolator. |
Number of stages | 1 to 12 | Specifies the required number of stages. |
Differential delay | 1, 2 | Specifies the differential delay in cycles. |
Enable variable rate change factor | On or Off | Turn on to enable a variable rate change factor that you can change at runtime. When this option is on, the Rate change factor parameter is not available but you can specify minimum and maximum values. |
Rate change factor | 2 to 32000 | Specifies the rate change factor. |
Number of interfaces | 1 to 128 | Specifies the number of MISO inputs or SIMO outputs The product of the Number of interfaces and the Number of channels per interface must be no more than 1024. |
Number of channels per interface | 1 to 1024 | Specifies the number of channels per interface. The product of the Number of interfaces and the Number of channels per interface must be no more than 1024 |
Interface Specification | ||
Input data width | 1 to 32 | Specifies the input data width in bits. |
Output Rounding Options | None, Truncation, Convergent rounding, Rounding up, Saturation, Hogenauer pruning | Selects the required rounding output mode. Select None for full output resolution. The saturation limit is the maximum value for overflow or the minimum value for negative overflow. Hogenauer pruning is available only when a Decimator filter type is selected in the Architecture page. |
Output data width | 1 to calculated maximum data width | Specifies the output data width in bits. |
implementation Options | ||
Integrator data storage | Logic Element, Memory | Selects whether to implement the integrator data storage as logic elements or memory. The Memory option is available for integrator data storage when the Number of channels per interface is greater than 4. |
RAM type of integrator data storage | AUTO, M9K, M10K, M20K, M144K, MLAB | When you select Memory, you can select the RAM type for integrator data storage. The Memory option is available for integrator data storage when the Number of channels per interface is greater than 4. |
Differentiator data storage | Logic Element, Memory | Selects whether to implement the differentiator data storage as logic elements or memory. The Memory option is available for differentiator data storage when the product of the Differential delay, Number of channels per interface and Number of interfaces is greater than 4. |
RAM type of differentiator data storage | AUTO, M9K, M10K, M20K, M144K, MLAB | When you select Memory, you can select the RAM type for differentiator data storage. The options available depend on the target device family. When AUTO is selected, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software automatically selects the optimum RAM type for the currently selected device family. |
Pipeline stages per integrator | — | Enter the pipeline stages per integrator. This option is available when the Number of channels per interface is greater than or equal to 2 (or greater than or equal to 6, when you select the Memory option for integrator data storage). Use this option for multichannel designs that have large input bit width and require high fMAX, but not for designs targeting Cyclone devices. |
Pipeline stages per integrator | 1 to 4 | Specifies the number of pipeline stages used by each integrator. Adding additional integrators can improve fMAX but increases the resource utilization. The maximum number of pipeline stages depends on the number of channels and whether you select Memory or Logic Cells for integrator data storage. For Memory, the maximum number of pipeline stages equals the number of channels minus 5. For Logic Cells, the maximum number of pipeline stages equals the number of channels. |