Visible to Intel only — GUID: sss1402916096291
1.6.1. Setting Up the Design Examples
To set up the design examples, follow these steps:
- Unzip and untar the design examples at the project directory.
Altera recommends you to untar the example design in Linux environment. The VCS simulation script may become unrecognized or non-executable if the project archive was unzip in Windows environment.
- Launch the Quartus II software and open the following project file:
altera_eth_1g10g_top.qpf—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY without IEEE 1588v2.
altera_eth_top.qpf—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY with IEEE 1588v2.
- Click Start Compilation on the Processing menu to compile the design example.
- Configure the FPGA on Stratix V GX Transceiver SI Development Board using either:
- altera_eth_1g10g_top.sof—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY without IEEE 1588v2.
- altera_eth_top.sof—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY with IEEE1588v2.
- After configuration is done, open the Clock Control tool from kits\stratixVGX_5sgxea7nf40_si\examples\board_test_system\ClockControl.exe
The Clock Control tool that is shipped with the “Installation Kit” for Stratix V GX Transceiver SI Development Board.
- Set the new frequency for Y3 and Y4 as shown below:
- Y3: 322.265625 MHz
- Y4: 125.00MHz
Figure 3. Clock Control Settings for Y3Figure 4. Clock Control Settings for Y4 - Press PB0 push button to reset the system.
Note: System must be hard reset after configuration done.
- On Quartus II Tools menu, click on System Debugging Tools and then launch System Console.
- In the System Console command shell, change the directory to either:
- SystemConsole_wo1588—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY without IEEE 1588v2
- SystemConsole—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY with IEEE 1588v2
- Run the command source main.tcl to initialize the reference design command list.
- Perform the following test by running the command in the System Console command shell:
- PHY internal serial loopback
Command: TEST_PHYSERIAL_LOOPBACK {channel speed_test burst_size}Example: TEST_PHYSERIAL_LOOPBACK 0 1G 1000
- SMA loopback
- TEST_SMA_LOOPBACK {channel speed_test burst_size}—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY without IEEE 1588v2
Note: Channel 1 is assigned to SFP+ by default. To test Channel 1, you need to reassign it to SMA port.
- TEST_SMA_LB {channel speed_test burst_size}—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY with IEEE 1588v2
Example: TEST_SMA_LOOPBACK 0 1G 1000 - TEST_SMA_LOOPBACK {channel speed_test burst_size}—for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY without IEEE 1588v2
- SMA loopback between 2 channels (for Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY with IEEE 1588v2)
Command: TEST_1588 {from_channel to_channel speed_test}Example: TEST_1588 0 1 1G
Note:For Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY without IEEE 1588v2, Channel 0 is assigned to SMA (GXB_RXL_17 & GXB_TXL_17) and Channel 1 is assigned to SFP+ by default.
For Scalable Multispeed 10G Ethernet MAC using 1G/10G PHY with IEEE 1588v2, Channel 0 is assigned to SMA (GXB_RXL_17 & GXB_TXL_17) and Channel 1 is assigned to SMA (GXB_RXL_16 & GXB_TXL_16) by default.
- PHY internal serial loopback