Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-8B4B96FB-55E0-41F1-8C60-763F12CEE89F
Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for Intel FPGAs
Introduction To FPGA Design Concepts
Intel oneAPI FPGA Development
Getting Started with the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler for Intel FPGA Development
Defining a Kernel for FPGAs
Debugging and Verifying Your Design
Analyzing Your Design
Optimizing Your Kernel
Optimizing Your Host Application
Integrating Your Kernel into DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs
Integrating Your RTL IP Core Into a System
RTL IP Core Kernel Interfaces
Data Types and Arithmetic Operations
Memories and Memory Operations
Additional FPGA Acceleration Flow Considerations
Additional SYCL* HLS Flow Considerations
FPGA Optimization Flags, Attributes, Pragmas, and Extensions
Quick Reference
Additional Information
Document Revision History for the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for Intel FPGAs
Notices and Disclaimers
Set the Environment Variables and Launch Visual Studio* Code
Create an FPGA Visual Studio* Code Project
Enable Code Completion in a Visual Studio* Code Project
Configure Running and Debugging in a Visual Studio* Code Project
Debugging Your Kernel in Visual Studio* Code with a Native Debugger
Generate and View the FPGA Optimization Report
Build and Run the FPGA Hardware Image
Resource Use
System-level Profiling Using the Intercept Layer for OpenCL™ Applications
Multi-Threaded Host Application
Utilizing Hardware Kernel Invocation Queue
Double Buffering Host Utilizing Kernel Invocation Queue
N-Way Buffering to Overlap Kernel Execution
Prepinning Memory
Simple Host-Device Streaming
Buffered Host-Device Streaming
Refactor the Loop-Carried Data Dependency
Relax Loop-Carried Dependency
Transfer Loop-Carried Dependency to Local Memory
Minimize the Memory Dependencies for Loop Pipelining
Unroll Loops
Fuse Loops to Reduce Overhead and Improve Performance
Optimize Loops With Loop Speculation
Remove Loop Bottlenecks
Improve fMAX/II with Shannonization
Optimize Inner Loop Throughput
Improve Loop Performance by Caching Data in On-Chip Memory
Global Memory Bandwidth Use Calculation
Manual Partition of Global Memory
Partitioning Buffers Across Different Memory Types (Heterogeneous Memory)
Partitioning Buffers Across Memory Channels of the Same Memory Type
Ignoring Dependencies Between Accessor Arguments
Contiguous Memory Accesses
Static Memory Coalescing
Specify Schedule fMAX Target for Kernels (-Xsclock=<clock target>)
Create a 2xclock Interface (-Xsuse-2xclock)
Disable Burst-Interleaving of Global Memory (-Xsno-interleaving=<global_memory_name>)
Force Ring Interconnect for Global Memory (-Xsglobal-ring)
Force a Single Store Ring to Reduce Area (-Xsforce-single-store-ring)
Force Fewer Read Data Reorder Units to Reduce Area (-Xsnum-reorder)
Disable Hardware Kernel Invocation Queue (-Xsno-hardware-kernel-invocation-queue)
Modify the Handshaking Protocol Between Clusters (-Xshyper-optimized-handshaking)
Disable Automatic Fusion of Loops (-Xsdisable-auto-loop-fusion)
Fuse Adjacent Loops With Unequal Trip Counts (-Xsenable-unequal-tc-fusion)
Pipeline Loops in Non-task Kernels (-Xsauto-pipeline)
Control Semantics of Floating-Point Operations (-fp-model=<value>)
Modify the Rounding Mode of Floating-point Operations (-Xsrounding=<rounding_type>)
Global Control of Exit FIFO Latency of Stall-free Clusters (-Xssfc-exit-fifo-type=<value>)
Enable the Read-Only Cache for Read-Only Accessors (-Xsread-only-cache-size=<N>)
Control Hardware Implementation of the Supported Data Types and Math Operations (-Xsdsp-mode=<option>)
Generate Register Map Wrapper (-Xsregister-map-wrapper-type)
Allow Wide Memory Initialization (-Xsallow-wide-mif)
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-8B4B96FB-55E0-41F1-8C60-763F12CEE89F
Data Types and Arithmetic Operations
Data Type Selection Considerations
Select the appropriate data type to optimize the FPGA area use by your SYCL* application:
- Select the most appropriate data type for your application. For example, do not define your variable as float if the data type short is sufficient.
- Ensure that both sides of an arithmetic expression belong to the same data type. Consider an example where one side of an arithmetic expression is a floating-point value and the other side is an integer. The mismatched data types cause the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler to create implicit conversion operators, which can become expensive if they are present in large numbers.
- Take advantage of padding if it exists in your data structures. For example, if you only need float3 data type, which has the same size as float4, you may change the data type to float4 to make use of the extra dimension to carry an unrelated value.
Arithmetic Operation Considerations
Select the appropriate arithmetic operation for your SYCL application to avoid excessive FPGA area use.
- Introduce floating-point arithmetic operations only when necessary.
- The Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler defaults floating-point constants to double data type. Add an f designation to the constant to make it a single precision floating-point operation. For example, the arithmetic operation sin(1.0) represents a double precision floating-point sine function. The arithmetic operation sin(1.0f) represents a single precision floating-point sine function.
- If you do not require full precision result for a complex function, compute simpler arithmetic operations to approximate the result. Consider the following example scenarios:
- Instead of computing the function pow(x,n) where n is a small value, approximate the result by performing repeated squaring operations because they require much less hardware resources and area.
- Ensure you are aware of the original and approximated area uses because in some cases, computing a result via approximation might result in excess area use. For example, the sqrt function is not resource-intensive. Other than a rough approximation, replacing the sqrt function with arithmetic operations that the host must compute at runtime might result in larger area use.
- If your kernel performs a complex arithmetic operation with a constant that the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler computes at compilation time (for example, log(PI/2.0)), perform the arithmetic operation on the host instead and pass the result as an argument to the kernel at runtime.
Currently, SYCL implementation of math functions is not supported on FPGAs.