Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition用户指南: 设计优化

ID 683230
日期 11/12/2018
文档目录 管脚约束

A Logic Lock (Standard) region incorporates all device resources within its boundaries, including memory and pins. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software automatically includes pins when you assign an instance to a region. You can manually exclude pins with a Core Only assignment.

注: Pin assignments to Logic Lock (Standard) regions are effective only in fixed and locked regions. Pin assignments to floating regions do not influence the placement of the region.

You can assign an entity in the design to only one Logic Lock (Standard) region, but the entity can inherit regions by hierarchy. This hierarchy allows a reserved region to have a subregion without reserving the resources in the subregion.

When the Intel® Quartus® Prime software places a floating auto-sized region, it places the region in an area that meets the requirements of the contents of the Logic Lock (Standard) region.