1. Design Example Description
Updated for: |
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 24.3.1 |
IP Version 1.1.3 |
The Scalable Scatter-Gather DMA Intel® FPGA IP provides a design example and simulation testbench that supports compilation and simulation.
The following table lists the terms and definitions used in this document.
Term | Definition |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APP2SS | Application to PCIe* Subsystem |
ATT | Address Translation Table |
AXI-4 | Advanced extensible Interface associated with AMBA version 4.0 |
AXI-4 Lite | AMBA AXI-4 Lite Memory Map Interface |
AXI-ST | AXI Streaming |
BAM | Bursting Manager |
BAS | Bursting Subordinate |
CEB | Configuration Extension Bus |
CSR | Control Status Register |
D2H | Device to Host |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DPDK | Data Path Development Kit |
EOF | End of a File (or packet) for streaming |
File (or Packet) | A group of descriptors defined by SOF and EOF bits of the descriptor for the streaming. At the AXI-ST user interface, a file (or packet) is marked using TUSER.SOF (Optional for SOF) and TLAST (as EOF). |
FLR | Function Level Reset |
H2D | Host to Device |
HIDX | Queue Insert Index (Pointer) |
HIP | Hard IP |
HPS | Hard Processor System |
IP | Intellectual Property |
MCDMA | Multi-Channel Direct Memory Access |
MPS | Maximum Payload Size |
MRRS | Maximum Read Request Size |
MSI | Message Signaled Interrupt |
MSI-X | Message Signaled Interrupt - Extended |
PBA | Pending Bit Array |
PCIe* | Peripheral Component Interconnect Express ( PCI Express* ) |
PD | Packet Descriptor |
PF | Physical Function |
PMD | Poll Mode Driver |
QID | Queue Identification |
QOS | Quality of Service |
SoC | System on Chip |
SOF | Start of a File (or packet) for streaming |
SR-IOV | Single Root I/O Virtualization |
SS | Subsystem |
SS2APP | PCIe* Subsystem to Application |
TIDX | Queue Extract Index (Pointer) |
TLP | Transaction Layer Protocol |
VF | Virtual Function |
The following table presents an overview of the design example supported by the Scalable Scatter-Gather DMA Intel® FPGA IP:
IP Mode | Design Example Mode | Compilation | Simulation | Hardware |
DMA PCIe* Mode | Multiport H2D-ST to D2H-ST Loopback & H2D MM to Onchip Memory | Supported | Supported | Not supported |
DMA SoC Mode | H2D ST to D2H ST Single Port Loopback | Supported | Supported | Not supported |
You can generate the design example from the Example Design tab of the Scalable Scatter-Gather DMA IP Parameter Editor.