F-Tile Ethernet Multirate Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 714307
Date 12/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents

1.7. F-Tile Ethernet Multirate IP Core Features and Constraints

This section describes features and limitation in the current IP release.
  • The IP only supports symmetric fractures where all ports in a specific configuration must use the same rate and modulation. For example, for 100GE-4 base reconfiguration profile, a valid secondary profile is 2x 50GE-2. An invalid secondary profiles are 1x 50GE-1 and 1x50GE-2 due to modulation mixture.
    Attention: In the 25GE-1 Reconfigurable group for FGT mode, the 25GE profile can reconfigure as a 25GE and 10GE rate. In a multi-port 25GE profile, you can configure a mixture of 10GE and 25GE rates.
  • The MAC-segmented interface is only available for MAC variants.
  • All transceivers in a FGT reconfiguration group must be placed within a FGT QUAD:
    • A reconfiguration group using four transceivers cannot use lanes partially from two different FGT QUADs.
    • A reconfiguration group using eight transceivers must occupy exactly two adjacent FGT QUADs.
  • The dynamic reconfiguration flow must use the same reconfiguration clock for the F-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite Intel® FPGA IP and all Multirate IP instances targeting a specific F-tile.
  • The IP does not support the system PLL frequency of 322 MHz.
  • All reconfiguration group ports must use the same PMA reference clock.
  • The current release does not support external custom cadence. The custom cadence required for applicable scenarios is generated internally within the Multirate IP core.
  • The F-Tile Ethernet Multirate IP does not support 40GE-4 rate with Precision Time Protocol (PTP) enabled.
  • Mixture of PTP and non-PTP profiles is not supported, so there is no run-time DR from PTP enabled to PTP disabled or vice versa.
  • Mixture of PTP with Basic and Advanced accuracy modes is not supported.
  • Mixture of different PTP fingerprint widths is not supported.
  • You must run the PTP flows described in F-Tile Ethernet Intel FPGA Hard IP User Guide.