Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Programming Guide

ID 683846
Date 9/26/2022

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5.13. Integer Promotion Rules

The rules of integer promotion applied when you use intX_t data types are different from standard C/C++ rules. Your kernel design should account for these differing rules.
  • If both operands are of standard integer type (for example char or short), integers are promoted following the C/C++ standard. That is, the operation is carried out in the data type and size of the largest operand, with at least 32 bits. The expression returns the result in that larger data type.
  • If both operands are intX_t data types, operations are carried out in the largest intX_t data type even if that data type is smaller than 32 bits. The expression returns the result in that type.
  • If the expression has one standard data type and one intX_t data type, the rules for intX_t data type promotion apply. The resulting expression type is always an intX_t data type. For example, if the largest data type is a standard integer type short, the resulting data type is an int16_t.
  • In C/C++, literals are by default an int data type, so when you use a literal without any casting, the expression type is always at least 32 bits. For example, if you have code as shown in the following snippet, the comparison is carried out in 32 bits:
    int5_t ap;
    if (ap < 4) {
  • If operands are of different signage and the unsigned type is at least as large as the other type, the operation is carried out as an unsigned operation. Otherwise, the unsigned operand is converted to a signed value.

For example, if you have code as shown in the following snippet, -1 expands to a 32-bit negative number (0xffffffff) while the uint3_t ends up as the positive 32-bit number 7 (0x00000007), which are not equal.

uint3_t x = 7;
if (x != -1) {
   // FAIL