Visible to Intel only — GUID: fjz1583956545051
Ixiasoft eCPRI Message Type 0- IQ Data Transfer eCPRI Message Type 1- Bit Sequence Transfer eCPRI Message Type 2- Real Time Control Data eCPRI Message Type 3- Generic Data Transfer eCPRI Message Type 4- Remote Memory Access eCPRI Message Type 5- One-Way Delay Measurement eCPRI Message Type 6- Remote Reset eCPRI Message Type 7- Event Indication eCPRI Message Type 64- 255 Vendor Specific
5.1. Clock Signals
5.2. Power, Reset, and Firewalls Signals
5.3. TX Time of Day Interface
5.4. RX Time of Day Interface
5.5. Interrupt
5.6. Configuration Avalon-MM Interface
5.7. Ethernet MAC Source Interface
5.8. Ethernet MAC Sink Interface
5.9. External ST Source Interface
5.10. External ST Sink Interface
5.11. eCPRI IP Source Interface
5.12. eCPRI IP Sink Interface
5.13. Miscellaneous Interface Signals
5.14. IWF Type 0 eCPRI Interface
5.15. IWF Type 0 CPRI MAC Interface
5.15.1. CPRI 32-bit IQ Data TX Interface
5.15.2. CPRI 64-bit IQ Data TX Interface
5.15.3. CPRI 32-bit Ctrl_AxC TX Interface
5.15.4. CPRI 64-bit Ctrl_AxC TX Interface
5.15.5. CPRI 32-bit Vendor Specific TX Interface
5.15.6. CPRI 64-bit Vendor Specific TX Interface
5.15.7. CPRI 32-bit Real-time Vendor Specific TX Interface
5.15.8. CPRI 64-bit Real-time Vendor Specific TX Interface
5.15.9. CPRI Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII)
5.15.10. CPRI IP L1 Control and Status Interface
6.1. eCPRI Version Register
6.2. eCPRI Scratch Register
6.3. eCPRI Common Control Register
6.4. eCPRI Message 5 Control Register
6.5. eCPRI TX Error Message Register
6.6. eCPRI RX Error Message Register
6.7. eCPRI Error Mask Message Register
6.8. eCPRI Error Log Message Register
6.9. eCPRI Error Message 5 Compensation Value 0 Register
6.10. eCPRI Error Message 5 Compensation Value 1 Register
6.11. eCPRI Transport Delay 0 Register
6.12. eCPRI Transport Delay 1 Register
6.13. eCPRI Transport Delay 2 Register
6.14. Ethernet Frame Scratch Register
6.15. Source MAC Address <i> Register, where i= 0, 1
6.16. Destination MAC n Address <i> Register, where n= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and i= 0, 1
6.17. VLAN Tag Register <i>, where i= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
6.18. Ethertype Register
6.19. IPv4 Dw0 Register
6.20. IPv4 Dw1 Register
6.21. IPv4 Dw2 Register
6.22. IPv4 Source Address Register
6.23. IPv4 Destination Address Register
6.24. UDP Dw0 Register
6.25. UDP Port Register
6.26. MAC Packet Type Enable Register
6.27. RX Error Register
Visible to Intel only — GUID: fjz1583956545051
2.2. Specifying the IP Core Parameters and Options
The IP parameter editor allows you to quickly configure your custom IP variation. Use the following steps to specify IP core options and parameters in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
Prerequisite: Once you receive the eCPRI web-core IP, save the web-core installer to the local area. Run the installer with Windows/Linux. When prompt, install to the same location as Intel® Quartus® Prime folder. The eCPRI Intel FPGA IP now appears in the IP Catalog.
Figure 3. eCPRI IP Parameter Editor
- If you do not already have an Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition project in which to integrate your eCPRI IP core, you must create one.
- In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition, click File > New Project Wizard to create a new Quartus Prime project, or File > Open Project to open an existing Quartus Prime project. The wizard prompts you to specify a device.
- Specify the device family that meets the speed grade requirements for the IP core.
- Click Finish.
- In the IP Catalog, locate and select eCPRI Intel FPGA IP. The New IP Variation window appears.
- Specify a top-level name for your new custom IP variation. The parameter editor saves the IP variation settings in a file named <your_ip> .ip.
- Click OK. The parameter editor appears.
- Specify the parameters for your IP core variation. Refer to IP Parameters for information about specific IP core parameters.
- Optionally, to generate a simulation testbench or compilation and hardware design example, follow the instructions in the Design Example User Guide.
- Click Generate HDL. The Generation dialog box appears.
- Specify output file generation options, and then click Generate. The IP variation files generate according to your specifications.
- Click Finish. The parameter editor adds the top-level .ip file to the current project automatically. If you are prompted to manually add the .ip file to the project, click Project > Add/Remove Files in Project to add the file.
- After generating and instantiating your IP variation, make appropriate pin assignments to connect ports and set any appropriate per-instance RTL parameters.