AN 849: Ultra Low Latency Ethernet 10G Reference Design for Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices

ID 683671
Date 6/12/2018

Interface Signals

Table 5.  Clock and Reset Signals
Signal Direction Width Description
clk_clk Input 1 Configuration clock for the Avalon® -MM interface and core logics. Frequency is 125 MHz.
ref_clk_clk Input 1 Reference clock for the ATX PLL and fPLL. Frequency is 644.53125 MHz.
tx_xcvr_clk Output 1 322.265625 MHz clock for the TX datapath. This clock is output from tx_clkout of PHY.
rx_xcvr_clk Output 1 322.265625 MHz clock for the RX datapath. This clock is output from rx_clkout of PHY.
outclk_div1 Output 1 161.1328125 MHz clock for components such as address decoder, traffic controller, FIFO, and adapter. This clock is generated from fPLL.
tx_serial_clk Output 1 The high-speed serial clock generated by the ATX PLL that drives the Native PHY. Frequency is 5.15625 GHz.
rx_cdr_refclk0 Input 1 The reference clock source for PHY’s RX CDR PLL. This clock is sourced from ref_clk_clk.
master_reset_n Input 1 Assert this asynchronous and active-low signal to reset the whole design example.
csr_rst_n Input 1 Active-low reset signal for the Avalon® -MM interface.
tx_rst_n Input 1 Active-low reset signal for the TX datapath.
rx_rst_n Input 1 Active-low reset signal for the RX datapath.
Table 6.   Avalon® -MM Interface Signals
Signal Direction Description


Input Assert this signal to request a write.


Input Assert this signal to request a read.


Input Use this bus to specify the register address you want to read from or write to.


Output Carries the data read from the specified register.


Input Carries the data to be written to the specified register.


Output Asserted when IP core is busy and not ready to accept any read or write request.
Table 7.  PHY Interface Signals
Signal Direction Width Description
rx_serial_data Input 1 RX serial input data to PHY.
tx_serial_data Output 1 TX serial input data from PHY.
Table 8.  Status Signals
Signal Direction Width Description
block_lock Output 1 Asserted when the link synchronization is successful.
rx_ready_export Output 1 Asserted when the RX channel is ready for data transmission.
tx_ready_export Output 1 Asserted when the TX channel is ready for data transmission.
atx_pll_locked Output 1 Asserted when the TX PLL is locked.
core_pll_locked Output 1 Asserted when the fPLL is locked.