Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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1.5.1. Viewing the System Hierarchy

The Hierarchy tab hierarchically displays the modules, connections, and exported signals in the current system. You can expand and traverse though the system hierarchy, zoom in for detail, and locate to elements in other Platform Designer panes.

The Hierarchy tab provides the following information and functionality:

  • Lists connections between components.
  • Lists names of signals in exported interfaces.
  • Right-click to connect, edit, add, remove, or duplicate elements in the hierarchy.
  • Displays internal connections of Platform Designer subsystems that you include as IP components. By contrast, the System View tab displays only the exported interfaces of Platform Designer subsystems.

Click the + icon to expand any interface in the Hierarchy tab to view sub-components, associated elements, and signals for the interface. The Hierarchy tab displays a unique icon for each element type in the system. In the example below, the clock signal for the prbs_pattern_generator is selected in both the System View and Hierarchy tabs.

Figure 20. Expanding System View in the Hierarchy Tab