Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Comparing and Applying IP Presets

Follow these steps to compare the parameter and pin assignment differences of your current board configuration with your chosen board IP preset in the Board Migration dialog box and apply the desired presets:
  1. In the Preset column, type or select the preset name for the IP that you want to compare against the current configuration. If you have multiple IP or systems, type the IP or system name in the search bar to narrow the non-case-sensitive search.
  2. To begin comparison, click the Compare button. Following comparison, the Parameter Settings and Pin Assignments tabs show the comparison results (differences) for parameter settings and pin assignments, respectively.
    Figure 59. Setup Comparisons

    IP with matching configurations and presets display Matched in green under Comparison Status. IP with no presets available display N/A in the Preset column.

    Figure 60. Pin Assignment and Parameter Setting Comparison Results

  3. When the presets match the board configuration as desired, click either the Apply Presets to This System Only button or the Apply Presents for All Systems button. The presets apply to your system according to your specifications.
    Figure 61. IP with No Presets Available Display N/A