Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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1.21.3. Creating a New Packaged Subsystem

In the packaged subsystem author flow, the packaged subsystem author creates a regular Platform Designer system, and then bundles the system into a packaged subsystem represented as a .qcp file. You can then provide the .qcp file to one or more packaged subsystem users.
Follow these steps to save an open Platform Designer system as a packaged subsystem .qcp file for reuse or sharing in other Platform Designer systems.
  1. Define all properties of the system in the Platform Designer System View tab, including the system components, connections, parameters, and supporting files that you want to include in the packaged subsystem.
  2. In Platform Designer's IP Catalog, click New Packaged Subsystem. The New Packaged Subsystem dialog box appears for specification of the packaged subsystem properties.
    Figure 107. New Packaged Subsystem Command in IP Catalog

  3. In the Components tab, specify a name for the packaged subsystem in Display Name. Refer to the image in New Packaged Subsystem Dialog Box
  4. Optionally specify the Group, Version number, and Description to help you identify the packaged subsystem.
  5. Under Select the components (and connections) to include in this package disable (uncheck) any connection, component, or node that you want to omit from the packaged subsystem in the Use column.
  6. In the File box, specify the location to save the packaged subsystem file. The default path is <project_directory>/ip/packages/<subsystem_name>.qcp.
  7. Optionally specify subsystem files and package script settings, as Specifying Additional Packaged Subsystem Files and Modifying the Packaged Subsystem Script describe.
  8. When the packaged subsystem is complete, click Save in the New Package dialog box. The .qcp file saves to the location that you specify, and the packaged subsystem appears under Project in IP Catalog.
    Figure 108. New Packaged Subsystem Dialog Box