Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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3.4.2. Adding Generic Blackbox Component Parameters

You can specify and modify parameters for generic components that have a Blackbox implementation. This technique allows you to instantiate a component that defines only the signal and interface boundary of an entity, without providing the component's implementation at this stage. You can then add parameters and define their default properties in the Component Instantiation editor.

  1. Define a generic blackbox component, as Creating Generic Components in a System describes.
  2. In the Component Instantiation editor, click the Parameters tab.
    Figure 145. Parameters Tab in Component Instantiation Editor (Blackbox Mode)
  3. Click the Add Parameter button to add and specify default values for the parameter Name, Value, Type, Bit Width, and whether Editable.
  4. Add signals and interfaces on the Signals and Interfaces tab, as Adding Generic Component Interfaces and Signals describes.
  5. When you are done adding parameters and interfaces, click Finish in the Component Instantiation editor. The component appears in the System View tab.