Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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2.5. BSP Editor GUI

The BSP Editor GUI provides all the tools you need to create even the most complex BSPs. The BSP Editor GUI is divided into two sections. The top section contains the BSP Editor tabs for specifying the settings and other parameters that define the BSP. The Messages displays Information, Problems, and Processing messages about your actions in the BSP Editor.

Figure 125. BSP Editor GUI

Each tab of the BSP Editor GUI allows you to view and edit a particular aspect of the BSP, along with relevant command-line parameters and Tcl scripts. The settings that appear on the Main, BSP Software Packages, and BSP Drivers tabs correspond to the related command-line settings.

Note: For complete information about how to develop a BSP for a Nios® II processor system or Nios® V processor system, refer to the Nios® II Software Developer Handbook or the Nios® V Processor Quick Start Guide, respectively.