Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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1.16.7. Incremental System Generation Example

You can modify the parameters of an IP component and regenerate the RTL for just that particular IP component.

The following example demonstrates incremental generation of a Platform Designer System:

  1. Create a new Platform Designer system, as Creating or Opening a Platform Designer System describes.
  2. Use the IP Catalog to locate and add the On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM) Reset Bridge, and Clock Bridge components to the system, as Adding IP Components to a System describes.
  3. Make the necessary system connections between the IP components added to the system, as Connecting System Components describes.
  4. To save and close the system without generating, click File > Save and close Platform Designer.
  5. In the Quartus® Prime software, click File > Open Project.
  6. Select the Quartus® Prime project associated with your saved Platform Designer system. The Quartus® Prime software opens the project and the associated Platform Designer system.
  7. To start the compilation of the Quartus® Prime project, click Processing > Start Compilation.
  8. After compilation completes, in Platform Designer, click File > Open.
  9. Select the .ip file for any one of the IP components in your saved system.
  10. Modify some parameter in this .ip file.
    Note: Make sure your modifications do not affect the parent system, requiring a system update by running Validate System Integrity from within the Platform Designer system after loading the parent system, or by running qsys-validate from the command-line.
  11. To save the IP file, click File > Save.
  12. To restart the compilation of the same Quartus® Prime project with modified Platform Designer system, click Processing > Start Compilation in the Quartus® Prime software. Platform Designer generates the RTL only for the modified IP component, skipping the generation of the other components in the system.