Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Avalon® Streaming Credit Max Credit Adapter

The Avalon® Streaming Max Credit Adapter facilitates credit flow integrity when the source's Maximum Credit Allowed (maxCredit) parameter value is less than the sink's Maximum Credit Allowed (maxCredit) value. The adaptor is available for parameterization as the Avalon Streaming Credit Max Credit Adapter Intel FPGA IP from the Platform Designer IP Catalog.
Figure 219.  Avalon® Streaming Credit Max Credit Adapter

This adapter can accept up to the maxCredit of sink credits from the sink, and then supply credits to the source according to the source's maxCredit property.

For example, if the source’s maxCredit is 4 and the sink’s maxCredit is 8, and the sink provides a value of 8 on the credit bus, the adapter sends 4 credits to the source. When the adapter receives 4 valid beats from the source, the adapter releases the remaining 4 credits to the source. This adapter does not modify data from the source.