Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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5.2.1. Avalon® Streaming Adapters

Platform Designer automatically adds Avalon® streaming adapters between two components during system generation when it detects mismatched interfaces. If you connect mismatched Avalon® streaming sources and sinks, for example, a 32-bit source and an 8-bit sink, Platform Designer inserts the appropriate adapter type to connect the mismatched interfaces.

After generation, you can view the inserted adapters selecting System > Show System With Platform Designer Interconnect. For each mismatched source-sink pair, Platform Designer inserts an Avalon® streaming adapter. The adapter instantiates the necessary adaptation logic as sub-components. You can review the logic for each adapter instantiation in the Hierarchy view by expanding each adapter's source and sink interface and comparing the relevant ports. For example, to determine why a channel adapter is inserted, expand the channel adapter's sink and source interfaces and review the channel port properties for each interface.

You can turn off the auto-inserted adapters feature by adding the qsys_enable_avalon_streaming_transform=off command to the quartus.ini file. When you turn off the auto-inserted adapters feature, if mismatched interfaces are detected during system generation, Platform Designer does not insert adapters and reports the mismatched interface with validation error message.

Note: The auto-inserted adapters feature does not work for video IP connections.