E-tile Hard IP Intel® Stratix® 10 Design Examples User Guide: Ethernet, CPRI PHY, and Dynamic Reconfiguration

ID 683578
Date 9/26/2022

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4.1.2. Generating the Design

Example Design Tab in the E-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Design Example Parameter Editor
If you do not already have an Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition project in which to integrate your IP core, you must create one.
  1. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition, click File > New Project Wizard to create a new Quartus Prime project, or File > Open Project to open an existing Intel® Quartus® Prime project. The wizard prompts you to specify a device.
  2. Specify the device family Intel Stratix 10 and select a device that meets all of these requirements:
    • Transceiver tile is E-tile
    • Transceiver speed grade is –1 or –2
    • Core speed grade is –1 or –2
  3. Click Finish.
Follow these steps to generate the E-tile Dynamic Reconfiguration design example hardware design example and testbench:
  1. In the IP Catalog, locate and select E-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Design Example . The New IP Variation window appears.
  2. Specify a top-level name <your_ip> for your custom IP variation. The parameter editor saves the IP variation settings in a file named <your_ip> .ip.
  3. Click OK. The parameter editor appears.
  4. Under Select DR Protocol, select one of the protocols:
    • If you select 10G/25G Ethernet Protocol, click the 10G/25G Ethernet Protocol tab.
    • If you select CPRI Protocol, click the CPRI Protocol tab.
    • If you select 25G Ethernet to CPRI Protocol, click the 25G Ethernet to CPRI Protocol tab.
    • If you select 100G Ethernet, click the 100G Ethernet Protocol tab.
  5. Under Select DR Design, select a starting base variant IP for the selected DR Protocol design.
  6. Under Target Development Kit, select the Stratix 10 E-Tile TX Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit , available for Intel® Stratix® 10 devices, or select Other Development Kits. The compilation-only and hardware design examples target your project device. For the hardware design to function correctly, you must ensure that your project device is the same device on your development kit.
  7. Click the Generate Example Design button. The Select Example Design Directory window appears.
  8. If you want to modify the design example directory path or name from the defaults displayed (etile_dynamic_reconfiguration_0_EXAMPLE_DESIGN), browse to the new path and type the new design example directory name (<design_example_dir>).
  9. Click OK.