Visible to Intel only — GUID: ate1522092368552
1.1. Programming Flow
1.2. Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer Window
1.3. Programming and Configuration Modes
1.4. Design Security Keys
1.5. Verifying if Programming Files Correspond to a Compilation of the Same Source Files
1.6. Convert Programming Files Dialog Box
1.7. Flash Loaders
1.8. JTAG Debug Mode for Partial Reconfiguration
1.9. Scripting Support
1.10. Programming Intel® FPGA Devices Revision History
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ate1522092368552
1.9.1. The jtagconfig Debugging Tool
You can use the jtagconfig command-line utility to check the devices in a JTAG chain and the user-defined devices. The jtagconfig command-line utility is similar to the auto detect operation in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer.
For more information about the jtagconfig utility, use the help available at the command prompt:
jtagconfig [–h | --help]
Note: The help switch does not reference the -n switch. The jtagconfig -n command shows each node for each JTAG device.
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