Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683528
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.5.1. Obtaining Project Hash for Arria® V, Stratix® V, Cyclone® V and Intel® MAX® 10 Devices

To obtain the project hash value of a .sof programming file for a design targeted to Arria® V, Stratix® V, Cyclone® V, and Intel® MAX® 10 devices, use the following command, which dumps out metadata information that includes the project hash.

quartus_cpf --info <sof-file-name>

Output of Project Hash Extraction

In this example, the programming file name is cb_intosc.sof.

File: cb_intosc.sof
        File CRC: 0x0000
        Creator: Quartus Prime Compiler
        Version 17.0.0 Internal Build 565 02/09/2017 SJ Standard Edition
        Comment: UNIX 
        Device: 5SGSMD5K2F40
        Data checksum: 0x02534E5A 
        JTAG usercode: 0x02534E5A 
        Project Hash:  0x556e737065636966696564