Visible to Intel only — GUID: cpf1507097935393
1.1. Block-Based Design Terminology
1.2. Block-Based Design Overview
1.3. Design Methodologies Overview
1.4. Design Partitioning
1.5. Design Block Reuse Flows
1.6. Incremental Block-Based Compilation Flow
1.7. Setting-Up Team-Based Designs
1.8. Bottom-Up Design Considerations
1.9. Debugging Block-Based Designs with the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
1.10. Block-Based Design Flows Revision History
1.11. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Block-Based Design Document Archive
Visible to Intel only — GUID: cpf1507097935393
Ixiasoft Step 4: Consumer: Add the Root Partition and Compile
To reuse the root partition in another project, the Consumer assigns the exported root partition .qdb in the Consumer project settings. The root partition .qdb includes all Logic Lock region and partition information for the reserved core from the Developer project. There is no need to recreate these constraints in the Consumer project. After assigning the .qdb, the Consumer project includes all additional information from the Developer project compilation snapshot. The Consumer then adds RTL for the reserved core partition.
Follow these steps to reuse the root partition in a Consumer project:
- The Consumer obtains the exported root partition .qdb file from the Developer.
- Open the project that you want to reuse the exported root partition.
- In the Design Partitions Window, specify a .qdb in Partition Database File to replace the root_partition logic.
Figure 15. Partition Database File Option in Design Partitions Window
- The Consumer adds RTL and any .sdc constraints for the reserved core partition.
- To enable the Fast Preserve option that simplifies the logic of the preserved partition to only interface logic2 during compilation, click Assignments > Settings > Compiler Settings > Incremental Compile > Fast Preserve.
- To run all compilation stages, click Processing > Start Compilation. The Compiler implements the reused root partition and constraints.
Note: To use the Entity Re-binding option, you add the .qdb to the project by specifying a .qdb for the Partition Database File option in the Design Partitions Window. Refer to Reserved Core Entity Re-Binding for more information.
2 Interface logic is logic at the partition boundary that interfaces with the rest of the design.