Visible to Intel only — GUID: wgs1537111008157
1.1. Block-Based Design Terminology
1.2. Block-Based Design Overview
1.3. Design Methodologies Overview
1.4. Design Partitioning
1.5. Design Block Reuse Flows
1.6. Incremental Block-Based Compilation Flow
1.7. Setting-Up Team-Based Designs
1.8. Bottom-Up Design Considerations
1.9. Debugging Block-Based Designs with the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
1.10. Block-Based Design Flows Revision History
1.11. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Block-Based Design Document Archive
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wgs1537111008157
1.9. Debugging Block-Based Designs with the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software supports debugging of block-based designs with the Signal Tap logic analyzer.
Signal Tap debugging of block-based designs requires specific preparation. For step-by-step details on debugging block-based designs with Signal Tap, refer to "Debugging Block-Based Designs with the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer" in Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools.