Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Block-Based Design

ID 683247
Date 11/07/2023
Document Table of Contents Empty Partition Clock Source Preservation

Empty partitions preserve clock sources that the Quartus® Prime software recognizes.

The Quartus® Prime software recognizes and preserves the following as clock sources for a partition:

  • Signals from a PLL.
  • Feeds from internal clock inputs on flip-flops, memories, HSSIO, I/O registers, or PLLs outside the partition that you empty.

The Quartus® Prime software does not recognize the following as clock sources for a partition:

  • Nets with sources external to the FPGA that do not feed a clock input inside the FPGA.
  • Nets that connect only to combinatorial logic.
  • Nets that connect only to an output pin.
  • Nets that feed only logic within an empty partition.