Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Block-Based Design

ID 683247
Date 11/07/2023
Document Table of Contents Step 1: Developer: Create a Reserved Core Partition

To export and reuse the root partition, the Developer creates a reserved core partition for later core logic development in the Consumer project. The Compiler preserves post-fit results for the partition and reuses the post-fit netlist, if the netlist is available from previous compilation, and you make no partition changes requiring re-synthesis. Otherwise, the Compiler reuses the post-synthesis netlist if available, or resynthesizes the partition from source files.

To create a reserved core partition:

  1. Adapt the steps in Step 1: Developer: Create a Design Partition to create a reserved core partition.
  2. When defining the design partition, select Reserved Core for the partition Type. Ensure that all other partition options are set to the default values.