Visible to Intel only — GUID: nby1501194023406
1.1. Block-Based Design Terminology
1.2. Block-Based Design Overview
1.3. Design Methodologies Overview
1.4. Design Partitioning
1.5. Design Block Reuse Flows
1.6. Incremental Block-Based Compilation Flow
1.7. Setting-Up Team-Based Designs
1.8. Bottom-Up Design Considerations
1.9. Debugging Block-Based Designs with the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
1.10. Block-Based Design Flows Revision History
1.11. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Block-Based Design Document Archive
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nby1501194023406
1.4.1. Planning Partitions for Periphery IP, Clocks, and PLLs
Use the following guidelines to plan partitions for periphery IP, clocks, and PLLs:
Planning Partitions for Periphery IP
- Plan the design periphery to segregate and implement periphery resources in the root partition. Ensure that IP blocks that utilize both core and periphery resources (such as transceiver and external memory interface Intel® FPGA IP) are part of the root partition.
- When creating design partitions for an existing design, remove all periphery resources from any entity you want to designate as a core partition. Also, tunnel any periphery resource ports to the top level of the design. Implement the periphery resource in the root partition.
- You cannot designate instances that use periphery resources as separate partitions. In addition, you cannot split an Intel® FPGA IP core into more than one partition.
- The Quartus® Prime software generates an error if you include periphery interface Intel® FPGA IP cores in any partition other than the top-level root partition.
- You must include Intel® FPGA IP cores for the Hybrid Memory Cube (HBM) or Hard Processor System (HPS) in the root partition.
Planning Partitions for Clocks and PLLs
- Plan clocking structures to retain all PLLs and corresponding clocking logic in the root partition. This technique allows the Compiler to control PLLs in the root partition, if necessary.
- Consider creating a design block for all clocking logic that you instantiate in the top-level of the design. This technique ensures that the Compiler groups clocking logic together, and that the Compiler treats clocking logic as part of the root partition. Clock routing resources belong to the root partition, but the Compiler does not preserve routing resources with a partition.
- Include any signal that you want to drive globally in the root partition, rather than the core partition. Signals (such as clocks or resets) that you generate inside core partitions cannot drive to global networks without a clock buffer in the root partition.
- To support existing Arria® 10 designs, the Compiler allows I/O PLLs in core partitions. However, creating a partition boundary prevents such PLLs from merging with other PLLs. The design may use more PLLs without this merging, and may have suboptimal clocking architecture.