Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683085
Date 3/28/2022
Document Table of Contents Testing the board_env.xml File

After you generate the board_env.xml file, test the file within your board installation directory to ensure that the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler recognizes the board installation.

  1. At the command prompt, invoke the aocl board-xml-test command to verify that the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition can locate the correct field values.
    The SDK generates an output similar to the one below:
    board-path       = <path_to_customplatform>
    board-version    = <SDK_version>
    board-name       = <customplatform_name>
    board-default    = <board_name>
    board-hw-path    = <path_to_customplatform>/hardware/<customplatform_name>
    board-link-flags = /libpath:<path_to_customplatform/windows64/lib
    board-libs       = altera_<customplatform_name>_mmd.lib
    board-util-bin   = <path_to_customplatform>/windows64/libexec
    board-mmdlib     = <path_to_customplatform>/windows64/bin/altera_<customplatform_name>_mmd.dll
  2. Invoke the aoc -list-boards command to verify that the offline compiler can identify and report the board variants in the Custom Platform.
    For example, if your Custom Platform includes two FPGA boards, the SDK generates an output similar to the one below:
    Board list:

The last board installation test takes place when you use the offline compiler to generate a design for your board.