Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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7.14.15. Units Properties

Name Description
ADDRESS A memory-mapped address.
BITS Memory size in bits.
BITSPERSECOND Rate in bits per second.
BYTES Memory size in bytes.
CYCLES A latency or count in clock cycles.
GIGABITSPERSECOND Rate in gigabits per second.
GIGABYTES Memory size in gigabytes.
GIGAHERTZ Frequency in GHz.
HERTZ Frequency in Hz.
KILOBITSPERSECOND Rate in kilobits per second.
KILOBYTES Memory size in kilobytes.
KILOHERTZ Frequency in kHz.
MEGABITSPERSECOND Rate, in megabits per second.
MEGABYTES Memory size in megabytes.
MEGAHERTZ Frequency in MHz.
MICROSECONDS Time in microseconds.
MILLISECONDS Time in milliseconds.
NANOSECONDS Time in nanoseconds.
NONE Unspecified units.
PERCENT A percentage.
PICOSECONDS Time in picoseconds.
SECONDS Time in seconds.