Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409958683060
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1409958683060
7. Platform Designer Command-Line Utilities
You run Platform Designer command-line executables from the Intel® Quartus® Prime installation directory:
< Intel® Quartus® Prime installation directory>\quartus\sopc_builder\bin
For command-line help listing of all the options for any executable, type the following command:
< Intel® Quartus® Prime installation directory>\quartus\sopc_builder\bin\<executable name> --help
You must add $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/sopc_builder/bin/ to the PATH variable to access command-line utilities. Once you add this PATH variable, you can launch the utility from any directory location.
Section Content
Run the Platform Designer Editor with qsys-edit
Scripting IP Core Generation
Board-Aware Flow Scripting Support
Display Available IP Components with ip-catalog
Create an .ipx File with ip-make-ipx
Generate Simulation Scripts
Generate a Platform Designer System with qsys-script
Parameterizing an Instantiated IP Core after save_system Command
Validate the Generic Components in a System with qsys-validate
Generate an IP Component or Platform Designer System with quartus_ipgenerate
Generate an IP Variation File with ip-deploy
Archive and Extract Platform Designer Systems with qsys-archive
Platform Designer Scripting Command Reference
Platform Designer Scripting Property Reference
Platform Designer Command-Line Interface Revision History