Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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Document Table of Contents HSSI Bonded Clock Sink

The HSSI Bonded Clock interface includes a sink in the End direction.

You can instantiate the HSSI Bonded Clock Sink interface in the _hw.tcl file as:

add_interface <name> hssi_bonded_clock end

You can connect the HSSI Bonded Clock Sink interface to a single HSSI Bonded Clock Source interface; you cannot connect it to multiple sources. This Interface has a single clk port role limited to a width range of 1 to 1024 bits. The HSSI Bonded Clock Source interface has two parameters: clockRate and serializationFactor. clockRate is the frequency of the clock driven by the HSSI Bonded Clock Source interface, and the serialization factor is the parallel data width that operates the HSSI TX serializer. The serialization factor determines the required frequency and phases of the individual clocks within the HSSI Bonded Clock interface

An unconnected and unexported HSSI Bonded Sink is invalid and generates error messages.

Table 87.  HSSI Bonded Clock Source Port Roles
Name Direction Width Description
clk Output 1 to 24 bits

A multiple bit wide port role which provides synchronization for internal logic.

Table 88.  HSSI Bonded Clock Source Parameters
Name Type Default Derived Description
clockRate long 0


The frequency of the clock driven byte HSSI Serial Clock Source interface.

serialization long 0


The serialization factor is the parallel data width that operates the HSSI TX serializer. The serialization factor determines the necessary frequency and phases of the individual clocks within the HSSI Bonded Clock interface.