4.9. Intel® FPGA PTC - I/O Page
The Intel® FPGA PTC assumes that you are using external termination resistors as recommended for SSTL and high-speed transceiver logic HSTL. If your design does not use external termination resistors, choose the LVTTL/ LVCMOS I/O standard with the same VCCIO and similar current strength as the terminated I/O standard.
To use on-chip termination (OCT), select the Current Strength/Output Termination option in the Intel® FPGA PTC.
The power reported for the I/O signals includes thermal and external I/O power. The total thermal power is the sum of the thermal power consumed by the device from each power rail, as shown in the following equation.
thermal power = thermal PVCCP + thermal PVCCPT + thermal PVCCIO
The following figure shows the I/O power consumption. The ICCIO power rail includes both the thermal PIO and the external PIO:
The VREF pins consume minimal current (typically less than 10 μA), which is negligible when compared with the current consumed by the general purpose I/O (GPIO) pins; therefore, the Intel® FPGA PTC does not include the current for VREF pins in the calculations.

Column Heading | Description | |
Voltage setting for unused GPIO banks | Select a value to calculate voltage of unused GPIO banks. Available values are 1.0V, 1.05V, 1.1V, 1.2V, 1.3V, 1.5V, and Power Down Unused GPIO Banks.
Note: The availability of some voltage settings depend on the device selected.
Voltage setting for unused HVIO banks | Select a value to calculate voltage of unused HVIO banks. This field applies only to Agilex™ 5 devices. Available values are 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, and Power Down Unused GPIO Banks. |
Entity Name | Specify an entity name in this column. This is an optional value. | |
Full Hierarchy Name | Specify the full hierarchy name for this row, with hops delimited by the pipe character (|). If this filed is left blank, this row is assigned to the root instance. Leading, trailing, and duplicate vertical bars are ignored. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored. | |
Application | Specify the application for this I/O row. Using this field:
Bank ID | The I/O bank ID for this row. A bank location can be assigned to I/O pins to change how the I/O resources are placed, affecting thermals and utilization. If one row uses more I/O resources than available in the assigned bank, resources overflow to the next available bank. | |
# of Instances | Enter the number of SerDes channels, IO Pins or IO PHY Lanes in this module. | |
Interface Parameters | Interface Direction | Specifies the direction of pins/SerDes channels. For SerDes, the DPA mode in which the SerDes channels are operating can also be specified. |
Frequency (MHz) / Data Rate (Mbps) |
For example, 100 MHz clock with a 12.5% toggle rate means that each IO pin toggles 12.5 million times per second (100Mhz × 12.5%) |
Interface Rate | Specifies the interface data rate, the clock ratio between the external interface to the FPGA.
Toggle % | Percentage of clock cycles when the I/O signal changes value. This value is multiplied by clock frequency to determine the number of transitions per second. If DDR is selected, the toggle rate is multiplied by an additional factor of two. | |
Write Enable % | When Input Termination is set to OFF, enter the average percentage of time that:
For EMIF applications where this field is enabled, enter the average percentage of time that the data lanes are sending write data. Input Termination is set to ON, enter the average percentage of time that On-Chip Termination is not active. |
Read Enable % | Enter the average percentage of time that:
For EMIF applications where this field is enabled, enter the average percentage of time that the data lanes are receiving read data.
Note: If you are using Agilex™ 5 or Agilex™ 7 M-Series devices, you can modify this field for all applications except HVIO.
Registered | Indicates whether the application is registered or not. | |
Memory IP Parameters | DQ Width | Enter the number of DQ pins in this module. |
Data Lanes | Enter the number of I/O lanes used as data lanes in this module. You must first specify the number of DQ pins, to enable this field. | |
A/C Lanes | Enter the number of I/O lanes used as address/command lanes in this module. | |
I/O Analog Settings | I/O Standard | Specifies the I/O standard used by the I/O pins in this module. |
Input Termination | Specifies the input termination setting for the input and bidirectional pins in this module. | |
Current Strength/ Output Termination | Specifies the current strength or output termination setting for the output and bidirectional pins in this module. Current strength and output termination are mutually exclusive. | |
Slew Rate | Specifies the slew rate setting for the output and bidirectional pins in this module. Using a lower slew rate setting helps reduce switching noise but may increase delay. | |
VOD Setting | Specifies the differential output voltage (VOD) for the output and bidirectional pins in the module. A smaller number indicates a smaller VOD, which reduces static power. | |
Programmable De-Emphasis | Specifies the de-emphasis setting for the output and bidirectional pins in this module. A larger number indicates a smaller pre-emphasis, which reduces dynamic power. | |
Load (pF) | Specifies pin loading external to the chip (in pF). Applies only to outputs and bidirectional pins. Pin and package capacitance is already included in the I/O model. Include only off-chip capacitance. | |
Power (W) | Digital | Power dissipated in the digital domain of the I/O-subsystem including GPIO, EMIF controller, and SerDes controller. |
Analog | Power dissipated in the analog domain of the I/O-subsystem, for example, I/O buffers. | |
Total | Specifies the total power dissipation (in W). Sum of analog and digital power. | |
User Comments | Enter any comments. This is an optional entry. |

Column Heading | Description | |
Entity Name | Specify a name for the I/O in this column. This is an optional value. | |
Full Hierarchy Name | Specify the hierarchical path relevant to this entry. This is an optional entry. When entering levels of hierarchy, the pipe character (|) denotes a level of hierarchy. | |
Application | Specify the application for this I/O row. GPIO and SerDes interfaces can be instantiated using this field. Use the IP Wizard to instantiate external memory interface (EMIF) interfaces. | |
Bank Type | Specifies the type of I/O bank for this row.
DDR Rate | Specifies the clock rate of PHY logic. Determines the clock frequency of PHY logic in relation to the memory clock frequency. For example, if the memory clock sent from the FPGA to the memory device is toggling at 800MHz, a "Quarter Rate" interface means that the PHY logic in the FPGA runs at 200MHz. | |
I/O Standard | Specifies the I/O standard used by the I/O pins in this module. | |
Input Termination | Specifies the input termination setting for the input and bidirectional pins in this module. | |
Current Strength/ Output Termination | Specifies the current strength or output termination setting for the output and bidirectional pins in this module. Current strength and output termination are mutually exclusive. | |
Slew Rate | Specifies the slew rate setting for the output and bidirectional pins in this module. Using a lower slew rate setting helps reduce switching noise but may increase delay. | |
VOD Setting | Specifies the differential output voltage (VOD) for the output and bidirectional pins in the module. A smaller number indicates a smaller VOD, which reduces static power. | |
Pre-Emphasis Setting | Specifies the pre-emphasis setting for the output and bidirectional pins in this module. A smaller number indicates a smaller pre-emphasis, which reduces dynamic power. | |
# Input Pins | Specifies the number of input-only I/O pins in this module. Differential pin pairs count as one pin. | |
# Output Pins | Specifies the number of output-only I/O pins in this module. Differential pin pairs count as one pin. | |
# Bidir Pins | Specifies the number of bidirectional I/O pins in this module. Differential pin pairs count as one pin. The I/O pin is treated as an output when its output enable signal is active and is treated as an input when the output enable signal is disabled. An I/O pin configured as a bidirectional pin, but used only as an output, consumes more power than if it were configured as an output-only pin, due to the toggling of the input buffer every time the output buffer toggles (they share a common pin). |
SDR/DDR | Indicates whether I/O value changes once (Single Data Rate) or twice (Double Data Rate) For GPIO and SerDes applications. | |
Registered Pins | Indicates whether the application is registered or not. | |
Toggle % | Percentage of clock cycles when the I/O signal changes value. This value is multiplied by clock frequency to determine the number of transitions per second. If DDR is selected, the toggle rate is multiplied by an additional factor of two. | |
OE % | For modules with Input Termination set to OFF, enter the average percentage of time that:
During the remaining time:
Input Termination cannot be active while the Output I/O is enabled, so for modules with Input Termination not set to OFF, enter the average percentage of time that On-Chip Termination is inactive (that is 1-percentage that the On-Chip Termination is active). This number must be a percentage between 0% and 100%. |
Load (pF) | Specifies pin loading external to the chip (in pF). Applies only to outputs and bidirectional pins. Pin and package capacitance is already included in the I/O model. Include only off-chip capacitance. | |
Pin Clock / Memory Clock Freq (MHz) | Clock frequency (in MHz). For example, 100 MHz with a 12.5% toggle percentage means that each I/O pin toggles 12.5 million times per second (100 MHz * 12.5%). | |
Periphery Clock Freq (MHz) | The I/O subsystem internal PHY clock frequency. This is an output-only field.
VCO Clock Freq (MHz) | The internal VCO operating frequency. This is an output-only field.
LVDS SerDes | Serialization Factor | Number of parallel data bits for each serial data bit. Used for SerDes-DPA. |
Data Rate (Mbps) | The maximum data rate of the SerDes channels in Mbps. | |
Mode | The DPA mode in which the SerDes channels are operating. | |
# of Channels | The number of channels running at the data rate of this SerDes domain. | |
Power (W) | Digital | Power dissipated in the digital domain of the I/O-subsystem including GPIO, EMIF controller and SerDes controller. |
Analog | Power dissipated in the analog domain of the I/O-subsystem, for example, I/O buffers. | |
Total | Specifies the total power dissipation (in W). Sum of analog and digital power. | |
User Comments | Enter any comments. This is an optional entry. |
For more information about the I/O standard termination schemes, refer to I/O and High Speed I/Os in Agilex™ 7 Devices.