3.1. Acceleration Stack Configuration Files
The build configuration file lists the AFU design source (for example, RTL, IP, Platform Designer subystems, and constraints) along with any required macro definitions and include files.
The platform configuration file specifies information needed by the OPAE platform interface manager (PIM) to generate a platform shim that provided the top-level module interface for the AFU.
For more details about these files, see Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU) Developer’s Guide
The example information in these descriptions refer to the HLS AFU design example. If you are integrating a custom HLS component, your information might be different.
Build Configuration (filelist.txt) File
The hls_afu/hw/filelist.txt file must contain paths to:
- All the top-level source files. For example, afu.sv, ccip_interface_reg.sv, and ccip_std_afu.sv
- CCI-P/Avalon adapter. For example, the lines:
QI:BBB_ccip_avmm/hw/par/ccip_avmm_addenda.qsf SI:BBB_ccip_avmm/hw/sim/ccip_avmm_sim_addenda.txt
- MPF BBB. For example, the lines:
+define+MPF_PLATFORM_DCP_PCIE=1 QI:BBB_cci_mpf/hw/par/qsf_cci_mpf_PAR_files.qsf SI:BBB_cci_mpf/hw/sim/cci_mpf_sim_addenda.txt
- The Platform Designer system, hls_afu_container.qsys.
- All IP parameterizations that the Platform Designer system uses. For example, all the .ip files listed in qsys/ip/hls_afu_container (e.g. hls_afu_container_mm_bridge_0.ip), and any .ip files that the HLS Compiler produces (e.g. fpVectorReduce_float.ip).
- All directories that contain components that are not in the qsys/ip/hls_afu_container folder. For example, the lines:
+incdir+hls/test-fpga.prj/components/fpVectorReduce_float +incdir+hls/test-fpga.prj/components/fpVectorReduce_float/ip
You do not need to explicitly link your Platform Designer system RTL sources or the RTL produced by HLS (other than the IP files you use). If your design does not instantiate any IP files that filelist.txt refers to in your design, Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition fails when you compile the AF bitstream. For this design, you may comment out the lines that contain references to fpVectorReduce_float, and uncomment the lines that contain references to fpVectorReduce_ac_int.
HLS AFU Platform Configuration (hls_afu.json) file
The hls_afu.json file must contain the accelerator UUID, the name of the AFU, and a top interface to define which PAC resources the AFU needs.
For more details about specifying the AFU platform configuration, refer to the Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU) Developer’s Guide. If you add additional interfaces, you may also need to modify afu.sv and ccip_std_afu.sv.