Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 3/22/2024

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Document Table of Contents

Toolbar: Navigation

Position in windows

Use to navigate among windows where you can perform key Intel Inspector tasks.

Use This

Before/During/After Analysis Is Complete

To Do This

Analysis Type button

Before analysis

Open the Analysis Type window, where you can:

  • Choose and, if necessary, fine-tune a preset analysis type.

  • Start the process of creating a custom analysis type if the combination of analysis type settings in the preset analysis types does not meet your needs.

  • Configure an analysis to investigate issues in an interactive debugging session.

During and after analysis is complete

Open a read-only Analysis Type window, where you can review the analysis type settings for this analysis run.

Collection Log button

During analysis

Open the Collection Log window, where you can:

  • Confirm the application is still executing (thread activity columns are resizable).

  • Check analysis duration.

  • Check memory consumption of the target application plus the Intel Inspector.

  • View finalization progress.

  • Track analysis milestones and address analysis warnings.

  • Measure memory growth during a specific time period.

  • Search for new memory leaks during a specific time period.

  • Stop inspecting the application for issues, finalize the result collected thus far, open a new result tab, and display the result.

  • Stop inspecting the application for issues, finalize the result collected thus far, but close the new result tab. (You can open and display the result at a later date.)

After analysis is complete

Open a read-only Collection Log window, where you can review analysis informational, warning, and error messages.

Summary button

During analysis

Open the Summary window, where you can view problems displayed in the order detected and choose problems of interest to display in the Sources window.

After analysis is complete

Open the Summary window, where you can:

  • View prioritized problems and choose problems of interest to display in the Sources window.

  • Temporarily limit the problem list to only those items that meet specific criteria.

  • Graphically visualize the relationship between threads and code locations.

  • Change problem state and suppress problems to help you focus on only those problems that require your attention during this and future analysis runs.

  • Report result data in plain text format.

  • Merge state information from a result with an overlapping set of problems.

  • Launch a new analysis in conjunction with a debugger to stop at problems of interest.

Target button

During and after analysis is complete

Open a read-only Target window, where you can review the project properties for this analysis run.